Home is:

  • where I remember what it's like to have napkins, matching dishes, tile in the shower, and a garage.
  • actual trees with actual leaves.  That fall down.
  • a room just for laundry, and another just for dining! 
  • privacy.
  • not having to worry about how the thermostat setting will impact MY utility bill. 
  • a pantry that contains about 6 times more food than I have, total.
  • having my mom cook me dinners that involve more than one food group and are far superior to me trying to convince myself that four packets of grape-flavored gummy snacks constitute a serving of fruit.
  • plush, unstained carpet.  
  • where my day's itinerary struggle lies in finding time to fit movies in between all that shopping, eating, and lying around.
  • a lot of rugs.
  • a queen-sized bed.
  • not sharing a wall with the neighbors and their five yippy dogs.  Actually, not being near neighbors at all. 
  • dinner discussions.
  • where I laugh harder than I do anywhere else. 
  • a shower head mounted higher than five feet from the ground
  • so many places to sit that I couldn't possibly sit in them all.
  • nice things and even nicer people.

Below, case in point.  (Sometimes I hear people try to use that expression, but then they say things like "case end point.  Or even "end case point," which doesn't actually mean anything. That's all.  Now, look at my family.)  

All of us together, minus Bryce and the baby Emily's growing

Autumn!  It exists outside of Phoenix!

Salted Caramel Apple Pie



  1. Home is where you can go to the bathroom most comfortably.


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