Because I feel completely obnoxious, here are some unrelated low-quality cell phone pictures, most of which don't have people in them.
Trips to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art usually leave me feeling more confused than pensive. Sometimes there are lots of pictures of hippies or RVs filled with Arizona rocks or inflatable bubble tents you can go sit inside on wicker ottomans.
Camping. I slept 2.4 hours. FUN.
I never know which side is the front of the Mesa temple, and then I walk around the entire building before finding the hidden door to the baptistry. And even then, sometimes the temple workers run after me and call out for me in the dressing room because I forgot to sign in.
Unexpected texts like this from my dad never disappoint.
Occasionally, I anthropomorphize the saguaros and pretend they're people waving at me.
It makes things less lonely when I'm driving.
It makes things less lonely when I'm driving.
We have a lemon tree out back on our patio. At any given time, there are about 18 lemons on the ground and in the parking lot. I get all excited and run around telling everyone excitedly, "I'm going to juice them and freeze the zest! I'm going to use them as natural household cleaners! I'm going to make marmalade! And curd! And PIE!" and then I forget about them until they start to rot, at which point I just throw them away.
Happy hour, duh.
The smell of freshly-baked croissants reminds me Paris. Sometimes when I'm supposed to be packaging them, I have to sniff them all first. Is that sanitary? Jk.
This just seems too coincidental.
Donating blood.
Getting a head start on my Christmas shopping.
Because the best $6 brownies are free $6 brownies.
My first gleeful attempt at macarons. These were the only ones that turned out, sadly enough. Minus the one in the back.
On Halloween day, I just happened to find a ghost face piped onto one of my red velvet minis. Spooky.
Whenever my car's mileage reaches a "mile"stone such as this, I feel like it's photo-worthy. Come on. Who doesn't want to see my dusty odometer? I know.
In an attempt to broaden my horizons, I started taking ballet classes again.
It's only going okay.
For some creepy reason, these pictures are hanging up at work. Laura asked if they were cat terrorists.
That time of year.
Reunited with my purple Percy sweater.
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