My Sticky Shoes

Feeling under the weather today.  The weather is HERE --->  X

And this is me, down here......  x 

I've had colds before.  Everyone has, obviously.  But this one feels particularly lonely.  

Perhaps because its my second time being sick in a month? And I just want someone to take care of me without me asking them to?  I'm almost ready to start calling people (read: my mom) and tell them I don't feel well for the sole selfish purpose that they'll feel bad for me.  Sympathies are appreciated. 
Now, I know this is just a cold and it shouldn't merit an entire boring post about the boringness that is my congestion....but what about the sinus pressure so intense that I thought it would turn my torpid mush of a brain into a diamond??? (It is my birthstone, after all.) Okay, no, I just wanted to use the word "torpid."   

I wouldn't have minded getting off from work, even though that was silly because, after all, this is "just a cold" and Christmas break (!!!) is soon.   So I tried to cough a lot and sound as congested as possible when spoken to, in hopes that they would send me home.  No one seemed to even notice.  Plan: thwarted.  And I was really trying to appear pathetic.     

So now here I am.  Sitting in my new but weird fancy floral-print shirt I got in the mail today that makes me feel like a middle-aged art teacher, and I can't even smell the leather boots I bought so wickedly on sale this weekend.  I'll just put them next to my bed so I can look at them when the urge strikes.  

If anyone needs me, I'll be under my covers watching girly Christmas movies, drinking smoothies, and eating chili.  Since I feel a little chilly. 


  1. I hope you feel better! Also, please post pics of said shirt : )

  2. Hoping your torpidity translated to twinkling titillation in a timely term!


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