Hi there, thirteen.  So far: as a year, you've not been bad, I'd say.  This was my first NYE not at home, and what a jolly time was had (not because I wasn't at home, just....because it was fun). There was partying until the wee hours of the morning followed by a toast to good things in the year to come, on top of gas prices being under $3 [for the first time since WHEN??] and then I got an unexpected Christmas bonus today.  

Plus, Nicole Trayner comes home from her mission this summer. 

And because the new year is a time to reflect, I guess these are some of the things I did in the old '12:

Umm, I wore my blazer more than once. Yes, that was an actual resolution.  Oh yeah.  I graduated from college, moved to a new city in a new state where I didn't know anyone, got a job, and began pastry school all on my own.  So that happened. And then I grew out my bangs.  But I still haven't gone skiing or gotten over my fear of fish or ever been to Costco. 

So, goals for the upcoming year:

Go to the indoor-trampoline skypark really close to my house
Make more friends (of the male sort, naturally)
Keep on being an old lady
Get a cactus plant and don't kill it
Decorate the apartment with cute rugs and things
Write more poems.  The silly kind. And then call up friends and read them aloud before we all go to bed.
Learn conversational German.  So I can speak to....?
Cook a new non-dessert recipe at least every month
Visit the Grand Canyon
Really learn to belly-dance

We'll see where that takes us.  
Oh, and look.  Here are two [unrelated] tweets from the night that best describe the upcoming year. 



  1. Can you call it a Christmas bonus if they give it to you after Christmas? Not that anyone is complaining.

  2. Learning German would be a wise and fruitful endeavor - especially if you plan on traveling through Europe. I believe it is more widely-spoken than French. Between German, French, and English, I think you could travel just about anywhere (in Europe, that is) and be able to converse with just about anyone.

    1. that's what i've heard. i had no idea german was so widely-spoken. so far, i can mostly only identify people's genders and talk about bread, pens, or the size of my car trunk. it hasn't proven especially useful just yet.


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