
Back.  Back in Arizona, where there is no hint of snow and my bed is not quite that big.  The visit home for Christmas was just as relaxing and lovely as I was hoping it would be, but unfortunately, I feel like I needed at least 4 more days before being ready to face the 5am wake-up calls and hideous orthopedic shoes or whatever.  As adults keep telling me, "Welcome to adulthood where you don't get 2 weeks off for Christmas and you have to pay off your credit card." And even more sadly enough, I'm not quite sure the next time I'll be back home to visit, so I made sure to eat my body weight in Oreo truffles and really make this week count. 

And now, in the spirit of list-making, this was why my visit was so great:

My bed (MY BED!); so. many. desserts (read: EGGNOG FUDGE); leaving with twice as many books and clothes as I brought home; new DVDs, sultry stilettos, and a carry-on full of accoutrements for my new sewing machine; Just Dance + Mario Kart; going to the movies; eating concessions at the movies; Red Robin; doing puzzles like an old lady (until 2 in the morning...eesh); sleeping in like nobody's bidness; pedicures; meeting up with old friends; lots of shopping, obviously; spiced pumpkin pecan ice cream; buying a new computer; being reunited with my harp; Downton Abbey; pestering my brothers into playing with me and giving me piggy-back rides; fires in the fireplace; having my dad make up new songs and nicknames for me.  

And of course, there was that blessed behemoth of a suburban I had the privilege of driving a time or two.  With the exception of the risk of hop-ons, it feels just like driving the Bluth family stair-car, I would warrant.
Our pitiful little granny dog who, unfortunately, has officially ventured into her Helen Keller years

Not-so-little brothers
Surprise snow day


Good golly, Tennessee.


  1. I think my fave is the sexy Christopher with the bobbleheads pose

  2. All of those pictures made my smile except poor old Mandy. Poor thing!

  3. I think these pictures mark the last time I saw you in person

    1. isn't that sad? doesn't it make you want to come home and SEE ME???


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