Ikea Prövning

The other night I went to Ikea by myself (the way I prefer most shopping excursions/board games/see-saws), where I accidentally bought some particleboard and melamine "furniture."  Naturally, it was longer than I am tall and heftier than I could wield on my own, meaning....that it wasn't going to fit in my car.  

So there I was, outside, looking at my box, and then at my car, and then back at my box.  Which was too big.  But I tried to stuff it the back seat anyways, which was, of course, when a couple of strangers offered their assistance.  Please, no.  If I had an invisibility cloak, I would use it not for stalking cute boys and reading their texts over their shoulders, but to avoid awkward social situations like this.  It would have been weird to refuse and then drop all 93 pounds of my embarrassment on the ground, so I agreed to let them "help," which really just resulted in them affirming that it wouldn't fit. 

Eventually, it was just me in the semi-dark parking lot at 9 pm, slitting open my box with my keys, all of my car's doors flung open, and my little push-cart wheeling away.  The man in the spot next to me just kind of stood there watching, casting uncertain glances my way as I finagled my furniture into my car, piece by piece, before he finally got in his own and left once I had taken care of my situation. 

Then I went home, unpacked it piece by piece, and unknowingly assembled it backwards.  

And yesterday, I accidentally threw my keys into the dumpster right before I had to go to school.  

 And then today I had to buy a pair of ugly shoes. 

So I guess you could say that my life is definitely heading downhill.


  1. Oh dear. Those boxes are insanely heavy! And I can't wait to see a picture of those shoes.


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