Today, I:
- didn't even talk to anyone or about anything until 8:30 this evening [sublime]
- finished reading my book
- cleaned our apartment like unto Monica Gellar's
- ate waffles and popcorn
- made a dress
- watched too much Netflix
- how adorable is Tim Robbins, though? I mean, really.
- made butterscotch cookies
- ate cookie dough for dinner
- who needs a boyfriend when browned butter exists??
- wore a hoodie even though it's summertime in the desert
- didn't change out of my exercise clothes all day
- didn't take off last-night's makeup
- watched Lord of the Rings for the first time in maybe 8 years
- forgot how much I love Merry and Pippin
- just want to ride a horse while wearing a cloak, is all
- have the hots for Liv Tyler's elvish dad
So...yeah, I'd say that over here we've been pretty productive. We (I) didn't get married today or even go see World War Z like everyone else did, but read that part about the hoodie again. (Disclaimer: I was invited to things...I just preferred my own company.)
Reppin' the single life, bro.
It's like, why even fall in love when you can just fall asleep instead?
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