Holiday Bakin'

Just to clarify, that's "baking," not Holiday Bacon.  Though Holiday Bacon ain't such a bad idea. 

What with the Christmas season upon us and countless parties, church activities, and gift-giving opportunities, I have been plenty busy in the kitchen, which has basically been the best.  There are some days when my entire agenda consists of nothing but baking.  

And my poor parents.  I don't think they've ever spent so much money on flour and chocolate chips as they have this last month.  But I promise it's all for the pursuit of deliciousness!!
*Disclaimer: this is only a fraction of our holiday treats.  Some things were eaten too quickly to be documented and others....weren't the most photogenic, tasty though they may have been.  
(Like, how do you attractively photograph a trifle???) 

And ALSO, we definitely didn't eat all of this in the last three weeks.  Most of it we gave away, and some things were for orders.  Though if any Arizona folk are reading this, heads up: you may not recognize me when I return because maybe I will have gained 30 pounds? It's hard to say. 

Mint Chocolate Saltine Toffee

Peppermint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Soft Eggnog Cookies

White Chocolate Gingerbread Blondies

Mini Grasshopper Pies

White Chocolate Peppermint M&M Cookies

Peppermint Bark Brownies

White Chocolate Dulce de Leche Snickerdoodle Bars

This is much larger in person than it looks, and it took nearly two days to complete.  I designed my own templates, made the gingerbread from scratch, rolled it all out, cut it and baked it, in addition to making my own little stained glass windows.  As I assembled it, we stuck a Scentsy inside so we can light it from within.  
So far, this is the best way I've found to marry my love for Renaissance history with my passion for baking.  
What's next? 

Italian Cream Cake

Aaaaaand, because he asked for it: an unflattering photo of Brandon.  
Heaven help his children. 
Please bless that my future husband isn't this bald.


  1. Those look delicious! When do I get mine delivered to Texas ;). Or at least some recipes ;)

  2. I just had three large servings of fried rice (giving me a respectably bloated belly) - but after looking through these pictures, I feel like I'm starving again. And there are no sweets around to quench my desire. Thanks Katherine.


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