
That for someone who is currently NOT lactating, I've talked about breastfeeding [with boys] way more than usual this week...not that there's really a "usual."  Should there be, though?

That apparently I have a thing for bowls, maybe.
In the space of two days this week, I bought 14 new bowls. 

That still, for the life of me, I cannot do a real push-up.  

That there is something of an unspoken double standard about modesty in the church when it comes to swimwear.  While girls are quick to silently raise an eyebrow and snap their gum in judgment at the one girl who chooses to wear a bikini to the pool party, I don't know that I've ever seen a viral Youtube video promoting the values of modest swimsuits for men.  Like really, a speedo is only one-half of a bikini, but in my experiences, if a guy shows up in a skimpy swimming brief, everyone just chuckles and tries to look not directly at it, but it's not really a big deal.  And you don't really hear about any fallout (sorry, pun NOT intended) related to speedos lumped in that amorphous gray area of two-piece swimsuits, rated R movies, and caffeine, and well, why not? If we're going to hold women to these standards of modesty and be judgmental about it, shouldn't guys be just as accountable?  Like, swimming trunks to the knee?  Okay, I'm not really serious, but I know I saw some pretty short shorts on guys at BYU and, to my knowledge, no one ever passed them a unkind anonymous note in the library inquiring if they could wear garments with those bad boys.  

That I'm still not sure what ice cream really IS.  Like, WHAT IS ICE CREAM aside from a vehicle for flavors of things that you don't actually want for dessert?  I mean, you could eat a strawberry or you could eat strawberry-flavored ice cream, so it tastes like the thing you want, but isn't.  Is anyone else perplexed by this?  

That it's less and less about physical attraction and more and more about intellectual appeal. 

That maybe I can't just assume or expect that because a boy asks me out on a date and then comes to my house and picks me up, he will pay for my dinner. (OR that he'll lend me his jacket when it's 50 degrees and apparently we're going to climb a mountain in the dark, which was supposed to be a "surprise" and so I didn't know to bring outerwear of my own.)  Sad, but true.  I don't date a ton, but in the last six months,  literally half of my dates have left me speechless and stunned as I'm forced to pull out my own wallet and cough up for an activity they asked me to participate in.   I guess we can't all marry Mosleys, huh?  (....Or CAN WE???  ;)

That my hair will always look good before a shower/a workout/bed, but not on purpose when it's supposed to.  

That there is an uncharacteristically high number of men in my apartment complex who own little dogs.  I still have yet to see a man who owns a normal-sized dog. (Don't try to ride 'em.  A lot of people try to ride 'em). 

That nothing instantly spruces up a kitchen like fresh flowers.  

That the coolness factor of a guy on a sweet motorcycle is completely invalidated when he wears socks and sandals while riding.  

That I still may not know what I'm doing with my new lens, but who cares? 
Look at these cookies, c/0 our lemon tree.  

That your pants will never get too tight if you just don't wear any. 


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