Adulthood, Or Like Unto It
1. Last weekend I co-coordinated and co-executed a move across the country.
I'm sorry, excuse me, that's a lie. I moved seven blocks down the street.
2. Between work / my old apartment /my new apartment, people have entrusted me with a total of 11 keys.
WHAT. Who needs 11 keys, aside from priesthood holders. Everywhere I go, I'm jangling like a jailor at the Chateau d'If. Or, more relatably, like Laura when she went through that major keychain phase in 4th grade.
3. I rented a moving truck. Yeah, I was too scared to drive it, but that's small potatoes. I still rented one.
4. I bought a dining room table, WHICH MEANS that I have actual real life furniture NOT purchased from Ikea or Target. Guys! I'm growing up!!!!
5. I figured out how to get us some internet, and then set it up and activated it all on my own.
On my own with some help.
6. And then I freaking bought a TV. Okay, so maybe Mops and Pops bought me a TV, but hey, I picked it out.
40" of Black Beauty perfection. Let's all just imagine how Patrick Swayze will look dancing in my living room, now. I know, right???
7. I went into the bank and withdrew $1400 all at once for moving-related reasons.
Yeah, legally, the normal way. It was petrifying.
Boy, oh boy, June.
She really threw me for a wacky little loop. But after a frustratingly dizzy little spin, life seems to have settled itself for a second, just long enough for me to momentarily get my bearings and start over for the second-half of the year, a renaissance for my perspective on life, and with a particularly favorite person, no less.
May this second half of the year bring the two of us, Countess Nicole de Lancret and Lady Catherine de Bourgh, all the dancing and dinner parties and shopping and caramels and swimming that we've been missing out on for the last two years.
Goodbye gay-guy neighbors with the yippy little dogs. Goodbye old carpet and creaky floors. Goodbye Lemon Tree of Early Summer Bounty. Goodbye pedestrians who treat 32nd street as their own personal sidewalk. But mostly: goodbye DVR. I'll miss you.
And for anyone still reading, NEWS FLASH: I finally bought a bigger bed. I know, I know, I'm right there with you. We never thought this day would come, right? And when it finally arrived (well, the bed AND the day), the delivery guys left a little note and some mints for me, so now I really know it was the right decision.
[Pro tip: maybe don't go bed shopping in a skirt. Just use a little forethought.]
And since apparently too many things were happening in my favor, balance had to be restored.
Cue that time when I accidentally broke the shower head clean off after being in my new apartment for a total of 17 hours. So...
I can't wait to see your new place sometime :)