Gratuitous Annie Photos
Why lie? I just want to share evvvvverything about her, all of Annie with everyone, and that's all this post is.
*Just remember: Annie's the star of this and every other show.
Basically, here's the rundown: Mama KarKar and Poundy Roundy were good enough to come visit me for a week (you good Leslies, you!). I still had to work while they were in town, but after doing all that boring worky stuff all day every day, it was the best to come home and get some chubby-cheeked kisses from (no lie) THE WORLD'S CUTEST BABY.
And here's the second run-down: I was too lazy to use my nice camera this entire week because it's heavy (wah!) and apparently it's only for pictures of doughnuts and cookies these days. So: the 4S it is.
I don't ask much as Annie's favorite aunt: just let me tickle her belly or put on her tiny footie pajamas after a bath or carry her around Kohl's while she holds tight to a new ladle. (Speaking of which, watch out, future party-goers to apartment #119: we'll be scooping our drinks much more efficiently from now on!!!)
YES, I need to keep every single picture of her.
NO, I can't get rid of any.
Mama Bear treated us all to pedicures one evening (we should bring her 'round more often!), and once all 3 of us were rendered immobile by our foot baths and massages, the eager salon ladies descended upon Laura and just took Annie away from her without any kind of permission, trotting her around the salon and clapping with excitement over how cute she was. You know, typical socially-appropriate stranger behavior.
Oh hey, guess who ALSO loves Baby Annie?
Auntie Cole!
And while we're playing the guessing game....whoooo's excited about the Phoenix Temple open house??
THIS GIRL!!! ^^^

Honestly, I feel downright spoiled to have 3 temples within driving distance. What a privilege it is to participate in our second open house and soon-to-be second dedication this year. Three cheers!!!
Oh, and....I did a thing. Over Conference weekend, I made a little clickety-clackety-cake and kind of entered it into the AZ State Fair. And then I won first place. NBD.
Granted, "professional non-edible wedding cakes" is a very limited and specific category, so I can't voice how many other competitors there were (*ahem* if any *ahem*) but STILL. First place is first place, and not the worst place.
And while we're hovering around the subject of cake-type thingamahoogies and using the internet for show-and-tell: I made these little Halloweenie cupcakes for Nicole de Lancret to take to her rowdy high school students, and they were super adorably adorable.
This is the first time I've ever said this, but how cute are those brains? I know.
*Just remember: Annie's the star of this and every other show.
Basically, here's the rundown: Mama KarKar and Poundy Roundy were good enough to come visit me for a week (you good Leslies, you!). I still had to work while they were in town, but after doing all that boring worky stuff all day every day, it was the best to come home and get some chubby-cheeked kisses from (no lie) THE WORLD'S CUTEST BABY.
And here's the second run-down: I was too lazy to use my nice camera this entire week because it's heavy (wah!) and apparently it's only for pictures of doughnuts and cookies these days. So: the 4S it is.
I don't ask much as Annie's favorite aunt: just let me tickle her belly or put on her tiny footie pajamas after a bath or carry her around Kohl's while she holds tight to a new ladle. (Speaking of which, watch out, future party-goers to apartment #119: we'll be scooping our drinks much more efficiently from now on!!!)
YES, I need to keep every single picture of her.
NO, I can't get rid of any.
Mama Bear treated us all to pedicures one evening (we should bring her 'round more often!), and once all 3 of us were rendered immobile by our foot baths and massages, the eager salon ladies descended upon Laura and just took Annie away from her without any kind of permission, trotting her around the salon and clapping with excitement over how cute she was. You know, typical socially-appropriate stranger behavior.
Oh hey, guess who ALSO loves Baby Annie?
Auntie Cole!
And while we're playing the guessing game....whoooo's excited about the Phoenix Temple open house??
THIS GIRL!!! ^^^
Honestly, I feel downright spoiled to have 3 temples within driving distance. What a privilege it is to participate in our second open house and soon-to-be second dedication this year. Three cheers!!!
Oh, and....I did a thing. Over Conference weekend, I made a little clickety-clackety-cake and kind of entered it into the AZ State Fair. And then I won first place. NBD.
Granted, "professional non-edible wedding cakes" is a very limited and specific category, so I can't voice how many other competitors there were (*ahem* if any *ahem*) but STILL. First place is first place, and not the worst place.
And while we're hovering around the subject of cake-type thingamahoogies and using the internet for show-and-tell: I made these little Halloweenie cupcakes for Nicole de Lancret to take to her rowdy high school students, and they were super adorably adorable.
This is the first time I've ever said this, but how cute are those brains? I know.
Well I like how much you love my daughter. AND. Thank you for sharing that delightful photo of my temple excitement with the internets.